
Response to Intervention

Response to Intervention (RTI) is a preventative school-wide framework for addressing the needs of all learners. In 2017, RTI was identified as having an effect size of 1.07 by Hattie and Zierer*, which considering anything over 0.4 is considered significant, RTI gets a gold star for raising student progress and achievement.

Consisting of a three-tiered approach to teaching instruction, it supports student learning by breaking instruction into three tiers. Tier 1 entails high quality evidence based instruction and differentiation (typically 80% of students),Tier 2 relates to small group intervention (typically 15% of students) with the aim of ‘catching students up’; and Tier 3 instruction is targeted, individualized support, with increased intensity (typically 5% of students), which often includes the identification of learning disabilities.

In addition to the three tiers, RTI consists of:

RTI places a high emphasis on Tier 1 high quality evidence based practice within a culture of data informed practice across the school. Research tells us that when our classroom teaching is evidence based and the focus is on the impact of our teaching, the impact on teaching and learning achievement is high. In addition, with this preventative framework in place, the number of students slipping through the cracks is decreased, therefore reducing the number of students requiring intervention in the first place.

For many schools a few tweaks can make all the difference.

Literacy Impact can support schools to:

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