As a dedicated school principal, you balance ever-increasing demands in schools every day. You work tirelessly in implementing engaging, high quality literacy approaches, and often reflect on why some students are not making the expected progress or achievement. Frequently teachers feel overwhelmed with how to teach such a wide range of student strengths and needs, or know how or what support to put in place.
The missing link in many schools is knowing what is proven to make the biggest impact in literacy learning and how to embed this into a whole school, sustainable approach where teachers feel confident and supported in making a difference for every student.
Fortunately, enhancing literacy instruction and intervention is not achieved by figuring how to make this happen in your school alone…. but rather by following a proven, step by step approach to prioritising what makes the greatest impact in literacy achievement for all students.
Reflective principals often ask:
The Leading Literacy Masterclass is for every school principal and school leader of Literacy in Years K-7.
The enrolment in the course is a one off cost, which is for your leadership team of up to 3 people.
Leading Literacy Impact is a self-paced program delivered digitally to school leaders with an option of face-to-face professional learning for K-7 schools. Participants simply login to the Online Masterclass and work through program at a convenient time for you.
Your Literacy Leadership team should plan to invest 10-20 hours, with a massive return on investment of time. You can space out the following steps over the course of a lengthy or shortened time period, at any pace you like.
Complete all 10 modules over the course of 2 full days, as a whole team.
The two full days can be consecutive or with a few days break between them. This is a great way for teams to be able to focus and work through each section together as a group.
Complete one module each week, for 10 weeks (1 term).
Complete one module each fortnight, for 20 weeks (1 semester).
Individually work through the online modules and then plan to meet as a team for 60-120 minutes, each fortnight, to discuss and action each component. This approach can work well for those who are implementing the program during the school year when a slower approach is needed.
Each module is approximately 60-120 minutes investment of your time to build the skills and knowledge to embed and enhance literacy practices across the school.
Your leadership team can work at their own pace; and you never lose access to the course.
Establishing the preconditions for literacy improvement
You and your Literacy Leadership Team will establish the preconditions for school improvement, based on international research. This is also a time to share thoughts on a shared vision of what’s possible prior to working out the specifics of your Literacy improvement journey.
Uncover your school strengths and growth areas
This module will help you identify your current school strengths and where you would like to focus your literacy improvement. With your Literacy Leadership Team you will be unpacking the current school initiatives, approaches and programs, identifying current strengths and growth areas using audit tools and establishing focus areas of Literacy improvement for the first year.
Data approaches that will amplify your results.
This module will help you to enhance data informed leadership and classroom practice across the school. With your Literacy Leadership Team, you will be uncovering how to fine tune data analysis for teachers and provide a school wide system for data analysis and target setting.
Take your classroom teaching to the next level
Tune in to the strategies that have been proven to make the greatest impact on student motivation and achievement. You will be provided the effect sizes that demonstrate the impact of each and tools to implement or enhance these approaches in your school.
Bridge the gap from evidence to impact in Literacy
Understand the approaches that have the greatest impact on Literacy success including the Science of Reading and Writing, based on international research. Your team will be provided recommended approaches in each of these areas that optimise literacy learning and achievement.
Formulate a school-wide pedagogical framework
This module will help you establish the key elements of a Literacy Block across a week. Your team will also be provided guidance on developing a Pedagogical Framework for explicit instruction, backed by international research, providing consistency and high yield results.
Implement a Response to Intervention (RTI) framework
This module will help your team establish a consistent, preventative framework for early intervention and support. Your team will be provided approaches for teaching a wide range of abilities including assessment, differentiation, intervention; and writing effective documented plans with SMART targets.
Formulate an action plan with low risk, high yield results
As a Literacy Leadership Team you will be developing a whole school Literacy Enhancement Plan. Share the notes you’ve made about strategies and approaches in your school towards your vision and create a plan for quick wins that will support teachers and gain momentum for more difficult long-term changes later on.
Leadership principles for supporting teachers in the long term
This module will provide guidance on establishing a coaching model to support teachers in a strength-based approach, building on what they already do well. In this step, you will ensure that the long-term sustainable changes are in place and embed a culture of growth in the school.
Choose simple ways to make bigger shifts
In this module, you will be provided tried and tested approaches to enhance the relationships in the school with parents and allied agencies. Your team will be provided tried and tested solutions on how to effectively engage parents in the literacy improvement journey, which can have a significant impact on student learning.
Choose from the following investment packages:
Be the champion of literacy success for every student in your school
After implementing the step-by-step actions in each module, your leadership team will feel:
Schools can feel confident following a system that can make a significant impact on improving literacy outcomes for every student
I created this program for principals, school leaders and teachers who want evidence based methods and approaches embedded in their schools that create lasting change and literacy success for students.
The Leading Literacy Impact Masterclass attracts dedicated, passionate educators and leaders that don’t settle for the status quo.
Yes, all three options of the course contain an electronic toolkit. This toolkit does not include the research articles attached to the online modules. Only Options 1 and 2 also come with a workbook
No, the entire program is online and provides support in an online community. The top tier of the program (Option 1) also includes Professional Learning and monthly coaching. Your leadership team can work at their own pace. All materials are released to you up front and you never lose access to the course.
Monthly coaching is held via Zoom for your team of 3. The monthly coaching sessions are scheduled at the start of the program and each team member will receive a link to the Zoom meeting. These sessions are an opportunity to provide support, consultancy and trouble shooting advice.
Yes, Julie can provide advice or guidance on your literacy improvement journey. You will also have the support of other leadership teams in the community who can offer suggestions based on their own school’s experiences.
The two days professional learning can be scheduled throughout the year based on your own school’s context and needs and can be used for the whole staff and not just those enrolled in the Masterclass.
The topics may consist of: the full Masterclass in a face to face version, High Impact Literacy Instruction; Response to Intervention; Data Informed Practice or a combination of the components of the topics within the lectures of the masterclass. It will depend on your schools needs.
Schools may also opt for small group consulting and coaching in year level teams, which are highly effective. These group support may include: Differentiation, Using data for effective unit planning, Writing effective SMART targets for documented plans.
You can purchase additional licences for $98 each. Email: and we will customise your order.
As we release all course materials upfront including the e-workbook and e-toolkit, we do not generally offer refunds on the course. If however, within the first 30 days, you are unhappy with your results in the program, please send an email and we will do what we can to offer support and make it work for you.
Online Masterclass (for a team of 3) with online support, PL and monthly coaching for one year.
I can’t wait to kick-start your Literacy success journey with you.
Join other impact driven school leaders and teachers that seek to stay at the forefront of best practice in Literacy instruction and intervention through practical support and guidance, based on the most current scientific evidence.