
Instructional coaching

Building capacity through instructional coaching.

"Coaching is not about what’s wrong; It’s about what’s next”

Much of the PL for teachers are one-off days in the belief that by sending teachers on these training days, schools are building teacher capacity. However, research findings tell us a different story. Joyce and Showers, in their research in 2002, identified that although one-off Professional Learning days for teachers can build up to 60% skill knowledge, there is only an estimated 0-5% transfer into instructional practices in the classroom when teachers are trained in this way.

In contrast, when Professional Learning includes theory, demonstration, practice with feedback, followed by ongoing peer coaching and support, there is a 95% rate of transfer into classroom teaching.

It is therefore coaching that makes the greatest difference in ensuring new skills and knowledge are embedded in the classroom.

Implementing a school-wide professional learning framework that aligns a school’s vision with evidence-based research and a school-wide coaching model, has been proven to make a significant impact in improving teacher efficacy, collaboration, student outcomes and embedded sustainable change. Literacy Impact can support your school to do just this, by implementing tried and tested approaches that build on what schools already do well.

Literacy Impact can support schools to:

Be the start of your school’s next chapter in literacy success - Book a 6 x 1 hour coaching block to achieve a specific literacy goal for your school



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